- Add in some more redundancy for navigation.
- Make non-animated versions of my buttons.
- Divide accessibility page into multiple pages.
- Find a good way to make collapsible tables of contents.
- Process my images automatically so that they're all web-size without the work.
- Fix bug: Tabbing order of Diversions page is a little unintuitive.
- Diversions games thumbnails don't look good on mobile, they're too big.
- Fix bug: home navigation link isn't underlined when you're in the home page or home subpages.
- I think the navigation buttons get too small on mobile. Need to tweak CSS.
Added a bit to the CSS that makes it so that images without alt text are
ugly. Here it is, if you're interested in using it!
img:not([alt]), img[alt="todo"] { filter: blur(2px); outline: 0.4rem dotted red; } img:not([alt]):hover, img[alt="todo"]:hover { filter: none; }
Some of my images in my article drafts don't have alt text yet because I'm stumped on how to describe the image or I'm simply just halfway through the coding. I really like having my works-in-progress up on the live website, but this feature will pressure me to prioritize that part of the process ASAP before I deem the draft "readable", or forget and move on.
- Updated the banner! I started piecing together the quilt, so I added my progress. It also now supports dark mode. I used a <picture> tag for now. Would a filter be better?
- Added more to the Micro-Font Quilt article draft.
- Added a Reading Log.
- Added another old art piece to the Gallery.
- Started writing something for the Workshop: Travel Socks.
- Finished another section or two of Micro-Font Quilt
- Added a collage to the Gallery
Made a dark mode color scheme. It's a little ugly right now because I need to make the site banner transparent.
It is implemented through media queries for now, so you'll have to tell your operating system or browser you prefer dark mode.
If you have things set to dark mode, please let me know if you have any feedback.
- Is the background image okay at its current brightness?
- How are the link colors? They meet AA but not AAA WCAG, but I was having a lot of trouble getting AAA contrast and having the colors sufficiently different from each other at the same time.
- I figure this can be a 'lower contrast' dark mode, and I can make a more intense high contrast mode with an almost-black background too later?
- Added some new pictures to About.
- Tweaked CSS (paragraph width)
- Behind the scenes, I made my gallery powered by Eleventy "collections". This will make it super easy in the future to give a piece in the gallery its own "view more" page. Perhaps with a larger image and some notes about how I made it?
- Filled in a section of my quilted banner article. Still a draft.
- Added the Alt-Text Gallery, which shows off all my gallery alt-text in a way that people can read without a screen-reader or inspect-element. Let's brag about our alt-text, and give each other feedback!
- Made active navigation items visually distinct. This was super easy using my SSG. I used this Eleventy tutorial: Learn Eleventy from Scratch: Wiring up our navigation.
- Reintroduced custom background image to Diversions page, which was a functionality I lost when initially converting to Eleventy. Now it's even easier to do for any page, but I'm not planning on using it often.
- I completely rewrote my CSS from scratch. It's mostly refactoring (I tried to keep things mostly looking identical). I redid all the units, inspired by the free articles on Every Layout, which are very interesting and enjoyable to read. I think their suggestions for modularity are a little overkill for a single personal project, but their "Rudiments" sections are very applicable and I think you should read them. This won't be the last time I rewrite this CSS (as I learn more about accessible best practices), but I think that having clean CSS code with consistent, non-pixel units will be a wonderful starting point.
- Added some more old embroider to the Gallery.
- Added some new links to the Library.
- Made an about page.
- Added some work-in-progress pages to Math.
- Added some sub-pages to Gallery. (Mostly skeletons for now.)
- Added a brainstorm for what would go in a mending kit.
Added a new button:
- Made changelog.
- Refactored site to use the 11ty static site generator, so adding and maintaining new pages is now much easier. Finally, my buttons are on every page. It is apparently very powerful, but for now I'm just using the most simple features. My source files should look pretty much identical to how they were before.
- New banner, based on this font, which I will be slowly updating with a quilt of the same design!